Feeling Anxious: Common Triggers that Can Sabotage Your Life

Feeling Anxious or Anxiety is a common problem and can be difficult to deal with. 

It can interfere with your daily life and cause you much distress. 

But anxiety isn’t always a bad thing. 

It can be a vital part of our emotional and psychological development. 

It can also help us to cope with stress and to stay alert and aware. 

But too often, anxiety can become a problem. 

It can cause us to avoid situations that make us anxious, and it can cause us to obsess about our anxiety. 

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of anxiety triggers and give tips on how to deal with them effectively.


Coffee is a common anxiety trigger, and it’s not just because it can cause jitters if you drink too much in a short time. 

Research has shown that some people with mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression may experience a spike in their symptoms when they consume caffeine. 

They may also have feelings of restlessness, irritability, panic attacks, and increased muscle tension. 

If you are feeling these symptoms after drinking coffee, try consuming smaller amounts over an extended period to avoid heart palpitations. 

Messy Home Environment

Anxiety triggers are different for everyone. 

Some people deal with the fear of public speaking, while others might find that they feel anxious when they’re around animals. 

But one of the most common anxiety triggers is a chaotic home environment. 

A chaotic home environment can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress

It can also lead to an overwhelming feeling of fatigue, frustration, and general unhappiness.

You might find yourself obsessing over how much work you still have left to do or worrying about what could go wrong if things are always out of place.

You will feel more relaxed and ready to take on the world when things are organized and tidy.

However, when things are cluttered and messy, it creates an unhealthy mental state that makes you more likely to think about negative thoughts and worry more about anything going wrong.


Self-neglect is one of the most common and dangerous anxiety triggers because it can lead to depression, isolation, and even suicide. 

Self-neglect is when someone disregards their health or well-being in favor of other things like work, relationships, or money. 

They may do this to avoid feeling overwhelmed with worry about what might happen if they take time for themselves.

Lack of Sleep

One of the most common anxiety triggers is lack of sleep. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50 and 70 million people in the United States suffer from chronic insomnia. 

At least one-third of these people have a problem with anxiety as well. 

It’s important to understand that there are many different types of sleep disorders, so it’s not always possible to say that someone has true insomnia if they don’t have a direct diagnosis. 

But if you or someone you know is struggling with stress or anxiety and having trouble sleeping, it might be worth scheduling an appointment with your doctor to see what can be done to improve the condition.

Too Much Stress

It can be hard to shake if you have a lot of stress in your life. 

That’s because our bodies are programmed to prepare for the worst in stressful situations. 

When we feel anxious, our hearts race, and our bodies release stress-mediating hormones like cortisol. 

This causes us to feel out of control, which is exactly what we want our bodies to do in a dangerous situation. 

In some cases, this might help us react quickly and escape danger. 

But sometimes, this reaction can cause the very things that make us anxious in the first place. 

It can stimulate our fight or flight response and keep us locked in an overstimulated state that makes us more likely to be anxious.


Finances are one of the most common (and stressful) anxiety triggers.

With financial anxieties, people may have difficulty affording their basic expenses or managing their money. 

They might also fear losing control over their finances and becoming overwhelmed by debt. 

When you’re struggling financially because of an anxiety trigger, it can make things feel out of control and lead to stress and anxiety. 

But it’s important to remember that there is always someone you can turn to for help. 

You don’t need to quit your job or become homeless to get through this phase, but it would be wise to talk with a professional about what you should do next.

Social Gatherings

One of the biggest types of triggers for anxiety is social gatherings. 

They can be a great way to meet new people but can also be stressful for some. 

Many social gatherings are full of noise and distractions, making it easy to forget about your anxiety and enjoy yourself. 

But anxiety can become an issue when things start to get more hectic. 

You may feel anxious because you don’t want to make a fool of yourself by having an awkward encounter with someone important or saying something inappropriate in front of a group. 

If you feel anxious during a social gathering, try taking a few deep breaths, focusing on your breath, and distracting yourself with something else until you feel better.

Work Environment

The work environment is one of the most common anxiety triggers. 

We spend a lot of time at our jobs, which can sometimes lead to high-stress levels.

We also have a lot of control over the work environment, which is something we tend not to acknowledge enough. 

If your job isn’t enjoyable or you feel like it’s making you anxious, try doing something about it. 

You might want to change jobs or find a way to make your current job more enjoyable for you. 

Another way to cope with the anxiety triggered by your work environment is to take steps to reduce your level of stress. 

For example, if you take long breaks during the day, try scheduling shorter breaks instead. 

This will help alleviate some of the anxiety caused by spending too much time at work and being unable to switch off and unwind properly.


It’s easy to overlook the fact that conflicts might trigger your anxiety. 

We often think of conflict as an enemy we must fight, so we don’t want to approach conflict as a potential trigger for our anxiety. 

But if you avoid every situation where there could be conflict, you will find yourself in many difficult situations. 

You must confront these uncomfortable situations to grow and learn more about yourself. 

And by confronting these situations, you can learn how to have better conversations with people with different points of view.


Relationships are among the most common anxiety triggers. 

They can be a source of great joy, but they can also be a source of immense stress and anxiety. 

When you experience anxiety about your relationships, it’s important to look for what might have triggered it. 

There are many different types of anxieties that come with relationship triggers. 

For example, one might be anxious about being in an unhealthy relationship or having a partner who doesn’t meet their needs as well as they should. 

Another might be anxious about having a partner who is abusive and controlling. 

Generally, two types of relationships create anxiety: 

1- relationships with people we don’t know well or don’t feel comfortable around 

2 – relationships with people that are difficult to get along with.

Relationships can create anxiety when they challenge our sense of control, or we don’t feel comfortable in them. 

If you find yourself feeling anxious in relationships, it might help to take some time to understand what is causing this emotion.


Anxiety is a natural response to stressful situations. To help manage anxiety, it is ideal that you determine the common triggers and avoid them at all costs.

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